You can cancel your order as long as it is done in time and before it is shipped by contacting the store by phone or email quoting your order number.
Returns of defective products
Regardless of your right to Cancel an Order according to the previous article, you have the right to withdraw from your order if the store breaches its obligations, especially when the product is actually defective. The basic requirement is to inform the store within 24 hours of receiving the product, otherwise the store reserves the right not to make any form of compensation. If a proven defective product is found, you have the right not to accept it and return it with the possibility of replacing it with another product of the same category, if available, or refunding the money you paid. Returns are only accepted if the products you wish to return are in the same condition in which you received them together with the documents, the retail receipt or invoice and the packaging that came with the product. In this case, the costs of shipping the new product or returning your money are not charged to the store.
Returns are not accepted for special order products.
Return of products / Right of withdrawal
You cannot return/withdraw a product if it is not problematic.